Side effects of air pollution and impact on human health.

Air pollution remains a matter of concern for the whole world today. It is not that this has always been the case. In ancient times, we did not face problems like air pollution because the scope of pollution was limited. Apart from this, nature also constantly tries to keep the environment balanced.

Due to the balance of nature and the time pollution was limited, we did not have to face such a terrible situation earlier. But today we are doing many such works in the name of so-called development, which are affecting the purity of air. Since industrialization, continuous production capacity has been increasing.

Actually all of us have done terrible exploitation and destruction of natural resources without thinking for our industrial benefit. For this reason, the balance of nature began to deteriorate and then the atmosphere could not escape.

 Today, many countries of the world are bound to face its ill effects with India. Let us tell you that the presence of gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide etc. in our atmosphere remains in a certain proportion. When the balance of their ratio changes due to any other reason, the atmosphere becomes impure. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, dusts that contaminate the atmosphere are soil particles that pollute the atmosphere. Let us know some important side effects of air pollution.

Side effects of air pollution and impact on human health.
Side effects of air pollution and impact on human health.

1. Respiratory problems

One of the biggest side effects of air pollution is that it continuously goes into the atmosphere through our lungs by continuously passing carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, oxides, hydrocarbons, etc., then many kinds of respiratory problems arise. Can occur. In this, you may have problems with vomiting, headaches, eye irritation etc.

2. Fertility of the land is destroyed

In today's time, the quantity of sulfur dioxide is found in the smoke emanating from vehicles and factories in abundance. It is present in the air in the form of booms after being converted to sulfide and then sulfuric acid. When the rainy season comes, it falls on the earth with rain water, so that the acidity of the land increases and the production capacity starts decreasing.

3. Cancer Probability

Many types of poisonous elements of polluted air are found which can lead to dangerous diseases like cancer. Due to pollution, some chemical gases reach the atmosphere and work with the ozone chamber there to reduce its quantity. Apparently, the ozone system absorbs harmful deformations from space. Therefore, the ozone group acts as a shield for us. But when ozone is weakened due to pollution, then serious diseases like skin cancer can occur.

4. Side effects on ancient monuments

Air pollution has an impact on the health of various animals, buildings, metals and monuments etc. also get decayed. An example of this is the threat to the Taj Mahal from the Mathura oil refinery.

5. Oxygen deficiency

Constant decrease in the level of oxygen due to air pollution in our atmosphere is fatal for humans as well as various beings. Lack of oxygen will cause respiratory obstruction.

6. On other creatures

Only humans are at the root of the causes of air pollution, but its side effects are suffering along with us. After leaving the factories, many harmful chemical substances and gases are absorbed by the crops, trees etc. and will have a bad effect on the animals.

How to identify pollution losses

There is no part of our body that is not vulnerable to pollution. Pollution is leaving an impact on everything from head hair to toe nails. Due to air pollution, poisonous elements are reaching the body by dissolving in the breath and leaving their effects on different parts of the body. Now the question arises how to know how pollution is causing harm to us? There is an easy way to do this. If you suddenly feel difficulty in breathing, you have to exert difficulty in breathing, then understand that you are in the grip of pollution. Suddenly your eyes start getting water in some area or at some particular time, or the eyes start burning and itching, then it should be understood that your eyes are not able to bear pollution. In the same way, if you came out of the house safely and suddenly you feel a sore throat or burning sensation as soon as you come on the road, then the reason for this may be pollution.

Side effects of air pollution and impact on human health.

Who is spreading pollution

Pollution is also of two types, one is natural and the other is human which we are spreading.
  1. - Natural pollution
  2. - Forest fire
  3. - Volcanic eruption
  4. - Dusty thunderstorms etc. in the desert

Note: It is not possible to stop such pollution, but their damage is not much as most of them are away from human settlement.

Human pollution

  • - Pollution emanating from power plant
  • - Poisonous gases and residues from factories
  • - Smoke emanating from trains, generators
  • - Post-harvest fire
  • - Pollution due to paint, hair spray, varnish etc.

Note: This pollution is more dangerous because apart from the environment, it also directly affects us humans and this pollution spreads continuously.

What are the effects of which gases

Ozone: If the amount of ozone in the air increases, it directly affects the ability of the lungs to function. Difficulty in breathing starts increasing for asthma patients.
Nitrogen High Oxide (NO2): The gas has a direct effect on the lungs. In asthma patients, the problem of cough and bronchitis increases and exposure to this gas for a long time causes respiratory problems in children. It also has an effect on memory.
Sulfur dioxide (SO2): It has a direct effect on the eyes and windpipe. Itching in the eyes and burning sensation in the windpipe begin. Chances of infection in the windpipe increase. This gas combines with water to form sulfuric acid and causes acid rain.

What diseases due to pollution

Affect the eyes
People who live near the factory or in more polluted areas often have red eyes, burning sensation, watering, itching and dryness. Doctors often give an artificial eye water drop to patients in such problems.

Prevention and treatment

In the factory, the smoke continues to run throughout the day, but the level of pollution increases in the morning and evening with the traffic also on the roads. At this time, special precaution is required. Sunglasses of good quality also protect the eyes from direct exposure to smoke and pollution. The doctor recommends adding lubricating drops such as Just Tier, Tier Plus, Itone, Refresh Liquid, etc. Apart from burning sensation from these medications, dryness is also eliminated.